date: 27.05.2012
nick: franciwe
free scac listing
Try this list for SCAC Codes. There are nearly 3000 carriers listed. http. If anyone has knowledge of a web site where I may > > obtain a listing, purchased or free. SCAC Code - The SCAC code is a standardised code list for transporters published in a directory known as the Directory of Standard Carrier Alpha Codes. This is an.
SCAC CodeOverview. Every transportation movement for imports and exports involves at least one (1) carrier. Carrier codes are validated when transmitted as part of the.
SCAC Carrier Codes The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a unique code used to identify transportation companies. It is typically two to four alphabetic letters long. It was. Best Answer: You've already browsed the NMFTA site and found nothing helpful? Try QuestAWeb.Com ~ I typed Freight Forwarding SCAC into the browser and it.
Re: SCAC Code Listing - The Mail Archive
Standard Carrier Alpha Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are there any free sites to obtain a list of SCAC codes for free.
free scac listing SCAC Code
National Motor Freight Traffic Association
Standard Carrier Alpha Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IAMSport: Scac code listing
SCAC Carrier Codes
RE: SCAC Listing in MS Excel - EDI-L Mailing List Archive